Category Archives: Getzendaner Park

Old Gnarly Knotted Tree

Welcome to my crazy Plein Air Adventures blog.

Beauty is where you find it. And sometimes it’s found by climbing over a few fences to get to an unusual subject.

That’s part of what makes outdoor painting (Plein Air) so interesting to me. There are always interesting things to be discovered and painted.


Friday – April 14, 2023

Today is a busy day, I had Bible Study in the morning and hubby, and I had to go see the eye doctor in the afternoon for my per-op on my cataracts surgery. So after Bible Study and before the eye doctor, hubby took me out to Getzendaner Park so that I could do a drawing for the PHW event.

There is an old gnarly tree that have what my hubby calls warts on them. I have been wanting to draw or paint them for some time. So, I made up my mind that today is the day to get it done. So when we got to the park , I found the tree with the warts were gone but one, and he has survived all the wind and storms that we have of the last five years.

Well, I had hubby park in front of the last gnarly, knotted tree in the hold park. I pulled out a little 5″ x 7″ 120 lb watercolor paper and sat in the car to save time and started to draw out my tree in pencil. Once I was done sketching in my tree, I went to my faber-castell to finish drawing my tree out.

Later, after my appointment, I will come back and add color with my watercolors.

Well, as I was drawing out my tree, a cute little squirrel jumped on one of the knots and sat there for about 8 or so mins. I had to stop drawing and take a bunch of pictures of him. How do I know it was a he? He stood up…

Hubby asked me if I was going to add him to my drawing? I said yes. (*u*) But there is just one problem where I want to place him. I have already added some lines. But that won’t stop me …

I had to kinda scrunch him in but I like how it turn out. Now off to the eye doctor.

Well I am back and this coming Thursday, I will have my right eye done, and then one week later, my left eye. But in the meantime, I am going to continue to get out there to paint, draw, and blog.

So back to the park to color my drawing.

Now the we are back at the park and I ‘m going to continue to sit in my car but do I really want to try and set up my watercolors in my cramp HHR or I could use my watercolor pencils which is so much more easier to use. I will do that.

Title: I’m watching you!

Size: 5″ x 7″ 120 lb Watercolor paper

Medium: Watercolor Pencils

How was the day: Clear and sunny

Day Temp: Med 70’s

Wind: Light wind

Until next time, my friends keep creating, and God bless y’all.

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My ebay shop: pals4_98

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Q & A 

Who is this gal name, J.D. ?

🎨 My name is J.D. Fields and I love to draw and paint nature.

 πŸŽ¨ I’m a two-time transplanted to Texas, which I now call home.

 πŸŽ¨ I married my best friend and soul mate in 1998.

 πŸŽ¨ My husband has three children, two boys and a girl, and I have one girl and two boys. When we got married, we put them altogether and called us all family 

 πŸŽ¨ I am an acrylic artist, but I love to play with watercolor, watercolor pencils, color pencils and pens. 

 πŸŽ¨ Do you or have you ever painted in Oils? 

 πŸŽ¨ Yes, I use to paint in oil in the beginning (1977 – 1984) but I became allergic to the oils and cleaning products and had to stop.

 πŸŽ¨ When did I start learning to draw? I can remember being two and half years old, laying on my grandma kitchen floor, trying to draw the animal on her land.

 πŸŽ¨ Growing up, I have been able to explore many different mediums – Fabric Art, Crocheting, Oil Paint, Pen & Ink Painting and Color Pencils, Charcoal and Graphite Pencil. Along with acrylic painting.

 πŸŽ¨ Do you sell your work? 

 πŸŽ¨ Yes, I sell my originals, painting, drawing, and greeting cards online and in galleries.

 πŸŽ¨ Do you create portraits? 

 πŸŽ¨ Not really. I am a landscape artist.

 πŸŽ¨ Do you sell painting with frames.

 πŸŽ¨ Only if they are a custom frame made for the painting.

 πŸŽ¨ How can I purchase a painting that I ready like but has been already sold?

 πŸŽ¨ You can email me at and place in the subject line ” the name of the painting.” I will be happy to recreate a similar one but it will not be a copy. All My paintings are original.

 πŸŽ¨ Do you teach classes? 

 πŸŽ¨ Yes, I teach acrylic for Beginner’s to adults. I also teach drawing and acrylics for teens.

 πŸŽ¨ Back in the early 2000, I had wanted to try my hand in Plein air. In July 2013, I took the plug and never looked back. 

 πŸŽ¨ Whether I’m in my studio or outdoors, I am still learning to draw upon those early influences in a way that I look at life, the subject I chooses and the matter in which I paints.