Category Archives: Tips for Plein Air

Tips for plein air events:

Welcome to my crazy Plein Air Adventures blog.

Beauty is where you find it. And sometimes it’s found by climbing over a few fences to get to an unusual subject.

That’s part of what makes outdoor painting ( ein Air) so interesting to me. There are always interesting things to be discovered and painted.

Now that artists are gearing up to paint the great outdoors, I would like to take this moment to post some tips from Nancy Tyler for the Texas Outdoor Painters Society.

Here is what Nancy has to say…

Tips for plein air events:

By Nancy Tyler

1. Drink lots of water, it will keep you alert, your energy level up, and your joints lubricated.

2. Prepare for warmer temps than expected and cooler temps than expected.  In Texas, anything goes weather wise. 

3. Read the rules and know the timeline of the event.

4. Prep and measure your frames (and mats if needed) before the event. Double check (maybe triple check) that you have tools and supplies you need for framing

5. Budget your time. Schedule time for travel, meals, framing, etc. Then stick to your schedule when you’re painting.

6. Enjoy the process, which is easier said than done in a competition setting. Be serious when painting, but then stop and have fun!

7. Socialize with other painters. Introduce yourself to other painters and ask them a few questions about their paintings. You can make painting friends pretty easy at an event like this because you all share a love for painting!


Until next time, my friends keep creating, and God bless y’all.

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Q & A

Who is this gal name J.D. Fields

🎨 My name is J.D. Fields and I love to draw and paint nature.

🎨 I’m a Texas artist.

 🎨 I married my best friend and soul mate in 1998.

🎨 My husband has three children, two boys and a girl, and I have one girl and two boys. When we got married, we put them together and called us all family 

  🎨 I am an acrylic artist, but I love to play with watercolor, watercolor pencils, and color pencils. 

  🎨 When did I start learning to draw? I can remember being two and half years old, laying on my grandma kitchen floor, trying to draw the animal on her land.

   🎨 Growing up, I have been able to explore many different mediums – Fabric Art, Crocheting, Oil Paint, Pen & Ink Painting and Color Pencils, Charcoal and Graphite Pencil. Along with acrylic painting.

   🎨 Do you sell your work? Yes, I sell my originals, painting, drawing, and greeting cards online and in galleries.

  🎨 Do you teach classes? Yes, I teach acrylic for Beginner’s workshop to adults. I also teach drawing and acrylics for teens.

  🎨 Back in the early 2000, I had wanted to try my hand in plein air.      In July 2013, I took the plug and never looked back. 

  🎨 Whether I’m in my studio or outdoors, I am still learning to draw upon those early influences in a way that I look at life, the subject I chooses and the matter in which I paints.